LEWC Wildfowling Permit Scheme – 2011 / 2012 Season

Please note that the following criteria have been established by The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) in conjunction with the LEWC Wildfowling Permit Scheme for the upcoming shooting season, (ie 1st September 2011 to 31st January 2012).

1. Types of LEWC Wildfowling Permit.

There are 3 types of LEWC Wildfowling Permit available:

  • Season Permit – LEWC Affiliate Club member £ 10
  • Season Permit – Non LEWC Affiliate Club member £ 25
  • Weekly Permit – Non LEWC Affiliate Club member £ 15

*Affiliate Clubs are local Wildfowling Clubs based in and around Lough Erne and which are
members of the LEWC.

2. Required conditions to be satisfied before a Permit can be issued:

-Previous timely submission of LEWC Wildfowl Bag Return (if applicable)
-Proof of valid 3rd Party Shooting Insurance from the following organisations

  • BASC,
  • CAI,
  • GWCT,
  • SACS

-Proof of valid Firearms Certificate

  • photocopy of valid FAC to be supplied by all Non-member Season or Non- member Weekly applicants

3. Documentation which WILL BE PROVIDED with each Permit issued.

Once you obtain an LEWC Permit, you should also receive the following documents:

  • LEWC Wildfowl Bag Return and Voluntary Predator Bag Return
  • LEWC Code of Conduct
  • LEWC Refuge Maps (3)

4. Submission of completed Bag Returns.

The Wildfowl Bag return MUST be submitted to your Affiliate Club or the LEWC Secretary
before 28th February 2012. Failure to submit a Wildfowl Bag return will void any future
application for a LEWC Wildfowling Permit. The Voluntary Predator Bag return should also
be submitted to the same people on the same date.

5. LEWC Wildfowling Permits can be obtained from the following sources:

-Local LEWC Affilaited Club Secretaries, or
-Nominated LEWC representatives which are:

  • Tom McGoldrick (Upper Lough Erne) (07771 741942)
  • Eamon Carney (Upper Lough Erne) (02867 722917)
  • Peter Taylor (Lower Lough Erne) (07704 002950)
  • Nigel Irvine (LEWC Secretary) (07918 608323)

6. Additional details
To obtain an LEWC Permit you will be required to provide a photocopy of your valid
Firearms Certificate and proof of valid shooting insurance. Maps identifying areas over
which no shooting is allowed are available for examination from the above representatives.
Wildlife Refuge maps will be provided with the Permit. Cheques should be made payable to

Please contact one of the above nominated representatives for further instructions.

No exceptions to any of the above criteria are permissible.

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