Identifying your quarry is only one aspect of good shooting practice. There are many contributory factors, and understanding and applying them in the shooting field is very important, for several reasons. They will increase your success and enjoyment, keep you a responsible and considerate sportsman or sportswoman, and ensure any losses or wastage of shot birds and animals are kept to a minimum.
On the basis that you have the authority to shoot and are fulfilling all relevant legal requirements, then positively identifying your quarry is the first step. You should then take a shot only if you are sure:
- it is safe to do so
- the target is within your range
- your gun/cartridge combination is appropriate for the
type and size of quarry you are shooting - you are confident of hitting and killing the bird or animal
- you will be able to recover the shot bird or animal and,
- as far as possible, put it to good use.
Download the BASC Guide to Quarry Identification [.pdf] for a full colour guide to the ducks, geese and other quarry commonly encountered on Lough Erne.