Wildfowlers concern towards Northern Ireland Marine Taskfoce

The Marine Bill was formally introduced to the Northern Ireland Assembly on 21st February 2012 and has now been referred to the Committee for the Environment which has responsibility for the Committee Stage of the Bill.

Simon Hamilton MLA with Ricky Devlin of the NIMTF at Castle Espie

The Northern Ireland Marine Task Force (NIMTF) is a coalition of eight environmental organisations which are campaigning for a Northern Ireland Marine Bill.

However, NIMTF has no representation from shooting organisations. The Bill may have the potential to represent threats to shooting sports, particularly Wildfowling.

To register our concern as a wildfowling Club, we are urging all members to go to www.nimtf.org and to vote NO to the statement at the bottom left hand corner of the page:

“I support the NIMTF and its work to ensure that the Marine Bill has wildlife at its heart.”

With thanks in advance for your support.

Yours faithfully,
Mark Butler

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