More news on the proposed Northern Ireland Marine Bill

Dear Member,
thanks largely to the efforts of BASC and CAI members, the NIMTF web site has been sent a clear message that Wildfowlers and other interested parties have expressed their grave concerns at many aspects of the proposed Northern Ireland Marine Bill, with a resounding 70% No vote based on 984 votes as of today 04/05/2012.
To build on the momentum, we are now urging all our members to express their concerns at the wording of a large number of clauses in the proposed Bill, which have the potential to to prevent or severely curtail Wildfowling within Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs).
This is very easy to do using the website which enables us to send an email to our 6 MLAs simultaneously. I have done so already and received some very positive responses not only from them, but also from their party colleagues on the Environment Committee.
I have attached the responses, outlining the main concerns from BASC and CAI to assist in outlining the specific issues which need urgent attention from the Environment Committee.
Please take this opportunity to represent Wildfowling to our MLAs. As directly elected representatives they are accountable to us and we can influence them positively thanks to the expertise of BASC and CAI.
With best wishes
Yours faithfully
Mark Butler
Devenish Wildfowlers and Conservation Club
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